16 Oct

Forest School Autumn Term Jaguars


We have been having lots of fun outdoors in Forest school this half term! 

We have done a sensory walk- including cold water, sand, leaves and flour. We sorted rough and smooth textures which linked to our Science. We painted Kindness rocks during Kindness week. 

9 Feb

Electricity and Niagara Falls

Our Spring 1 Science topic was Electricity. We learnt about the different sources of electricity and sorted appliances into groups depending on whether they are powered by battery, mains electricity or both. We made electric circuits containing bulbs, batteries, wires and switches. We also…

8 Dec

Marvellous Mayans

In Autumn 2, we learnt all about the Mayan Civilisation. We started by looking at Mayan objects that had been dug up by archaeologists. We discussed what these objects might have been used for and by who. We learnt about the main events in the Mayan timeline and acted these out in groups.  We also…

26 Apr

Spring 2 African Topic


Our Spring 2 Topic focused on Africa.  We located the continent Africa using a range of maps, and then focused on the country Kenya. We learnt biomes, specifically the Savannah, the largest grassland in the world. We found out what the vegetation is like and what animals live there. We also…

20 Feb

Ancient Egyptian Art

In Spring 1, Jaguars looked at the artist Clarice Cliff. We evaluated some of her art work, deciding on what we really liked about her pieces. We then looked at some Ancient Egyptian artefacts. We decided on making our own clay plates using inspiration from both Clarice Cliff’s art work and…

20 Feb

Sports in Jaguars

Take a look at some of the PE we have done in Jaguars  so far this year!


20 Feb

Forest School

We love Forest School on Thursday afternoons. During this time we have created our own Forest School games, made butterflies using smashed berries and leaves to add colour, created our own Iron Age Forts, made creative images using natural resources, we have listened to the birds and watched the…

20 Feb

Science: Rocks & Soil and Forces

Take a look at some of the Science we have been doing in Jaguars class. From investigating different rocks and soils to using starburst when learning about the rock cycle. We also carried out an investigation on how objects move on different surfaces when learning about push and pull forces. We…

30 Sep

Roald Dahl Day

We LOVED celebrating Roald Dahl day.  In Jaguars classroom we focused on The Twits. We created a ‘pin the food on the beard’ game, made our own worm spaghetti inspired meals and created our own Roly Poly birds. 

30 Sep

Autumn 1 Stone Age

Jaguars class really enjoyed our Stone Age~ Iron Age topic. We loved acting out the main events during these periods, learning about the famous Stone Henge, looking and different artefacts and most of all, meeting Stone Age Ben!



9 May

Using IPads and Laptops

Tigers class have been adding words an images to creat postcards from Victorians on holiday. They created pictures using Green-screen that they have saved and uploaded to their postcards. The children used Purple Mash to create the postcards. 

9 May

Victorian Holidays

The children looked at a mystery suitcase, photographs and artefacts to make deductions, predictions and to share prior knowledge about living and holidaying in Victorian times.