Welcome to Tigers Class 

We are year 1 and year 2. Our teachers are Mrs Jackson, Mrs Hall and Miss Burrows. In this class we are one big family, we love learning new skills and facts. We love using our imagination and working as a team to create wonderful pieces of work.

Our class blog is updated half termly so you can have a look at the exciting and engaging activities we have been doing. Also our class dojo page is updated weekly with pictures for you to enjoy with your child.


Our Curriculum 

In order to meet the requirements of the national curriculum we have worked hard to create a diverse, engaging and exiting 2 year rolling curriculum map.

Tigers Class

Updated: 18/07/2023 19 KB


Homework tasks are set each week via Edshed to be completed over the weekend. We also occasionally set fun home learning tasks to support our foundation subjects which we love the children to be as imaginative as possible with. 

We also expect children to be reading daily as this has proven to increase reading fluency and word recognition.



PE Our PE days Tuesday and Thursday. Pumps and trainers are needed for PE.

Forest School We explore our forest classroom on Thursday afternoons. Please can your child have waterproofs and wellies in school for this session. We have a wellie house where we can store these.